Bill and Sue Spoelhof |
Serving with ABWE
Caixa Postal 352 |
PO Box 8585
17015-970 Bauru, São Paulo |
Harrisburg, PA
___Hebrews 4:12 "The Word of God is living and powerful." Summer, 2001___
What a privilege it is to share the living and powerful Word
of God each day we are here serving it's Author.
We have seen the Word actively working in the lives of people we come
in contact with each day as well as in our own
Folks have been impressed with our building and facilities. The
local paper has even written us up. We are better
known in the area now with our big new sign in front. Appearance is
important testimony in the community. Even now,
each time I go in, I have to thank God for the fantastic facilities
and location He alone has provided. But what goes on
inside the building and the lives that are being touched is so much
more important.
Attendance is increasing in each of the worship celebrations.
This past Sunday we had our highest numbers in both
morning and evening services. Since the last time we wrote, a morning
service in English has started as kind of an
experiment. It was started the first Sunday in July by our colleagues
Tim and Dave, and will run to the end of November.
We're not sure why people are coming out. It may be just the novelty
of something different, but whatever it is, people
are attending and it is another opportunity to share the gospel. The
fifty mark has almost been reached in the a.m. and
thirty in the p.m. service in Portuguese.
Bible studies are going well both in homes and at the university.
The home study is now up to fifteen,
and we are considering dividing it into one study for
new believers continuing with the Firm Foundations materials, and another
for more mature believers using questions
building on the Sunday sermon.
Rejoice with us that people are receiving the good news. On our
website, we have asked people to pray for several
individuals by name. Rejoice with us that Walter, his wife Vany (pronounced
"Vonnie") and Vania have put their trust in
Christ. Continue to pray for Milton and Patricia as well as they continue
to grow in the faith.
A teen group arrives from the states on Thursday (8/9) for ten
days of ministry in schools and the Alfa Center. They
will be presenting programs of music, skits, puppets and mime with
a gospel message given in ten different public and
private high schools in Bauru. The last Saturday evening a youth rally
will be held with students from the area schools
invited for an evening of games and activities capped off with another
gospel message. We were surprised that two
schools would not let us in to give the program because we would be
presenting Jesus. However, we are grateful for the
liberty we have to present the good news! Pray for the time the teens
are here and for our follow-up.
Sue has a waiting list of people wanting to get into her English
as a Second Language classes. What a productive tool
this has proven to be in our ministry here both for meeting people
and sharing the Word of God as it is taught as part of
the program. Several of these folks have come out for other activities
and services at the Center.
Friendship day is the next big event sponsored by Alfa Center
in September. It will be a day with music, sports, a huge
barbecue, and a message from God's Word. There should be a great group
out to take part, including everyone from the
Portuguese and English services, ESL classes, Bible studies and their
friends. Pray that God will bless and people will be
After months of praying together, our house in São Paulo
is finally sold. The renters are out, the new family is in and
enjoying living there.
We are learning and growing each day. Many things are not the
way we expected them to be with this ministry, and
we have had to learn to adjust. We are thankful that over the years
we've learned to be flexible and work with a
servant's heart wherever God has placed us. Even as I write of all
that's going on, we stand amazed that things are
happening much quicker than ever imagined, and can only give God the
glory. Pray that we would have peace of mind
and spirit as we continue to serve here.
Keep praying! God's answering!
In Christ's exciting service,
Bill and Sue Spoelhof