March Prayer Prompter
Subject: Spoelhof Prayer Prompter 
Date: March 1, 2009

Be smart – ask for God’s wisdom.



- February 15 the organizational meeting was held for church. Paperwork handed over to the lawyer this week.

- Eight small groups are now meeting regularly 

- Bible-based ESL (English as a Second Language) classes started again in February.

- February 20-24, Carnival weekend, was retreat time for the youth and some daytime activities for the whole church with great attendance.



- New believer discipleships have begun  

- We are considering three pieces of land for building.

- March 28-29 will be Word of Life weekend at Church with WOL missionaries leading activities.

- Continue to pray for Bill’s mom and Joel and Lynne, on whom much of her care responsibilities fall


In Christ's Exciting Service,
Bill and Sue Spoelhof



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