
    Subject: Spoelhof Prayer Prompter - June, 2001
    Date: June 5, 2001

"Evening, and morning and at noon I will pray." Psalm 55:17

Plan to Pray!  Often these days with busy lives, it becomes necessary to schedule a time to pray.  Daniel set specific times to pray, and David followed a schedule for prayer as seen in the Psalm above.  Many times, despite our best efforts, we pray very little.  Set aside time each day for prayer.  Here are some items you can pray for with us.

Praise God with us...

1) We held our first worship services at the Alfa Center on May 20 with thirty-three people present. It was a neat service and everything went very smoothly. People gave many positive comments during the coffee time afterward.

2) Though we didn't have as big a group the following Sundays (thirteen the second and sixteen the third), several have returned that were there for the first service.  One man said he didn't know why he came back since he normally doesn't attend any church, but he's glad he's coming.

3) Wednesday is a new night of university Bible study, and there have been ten to fifteen out for this new time.  Winter break starts in a couple weeks, but classes resume in August.
Pray with us...

1) We are having a Valentine's banquet on Saturday, June 16 at the Center.  (Valentine's Day is celebrated June 12 in Brazil.) There are fifteen couples signed up for it. Pray that the dinner and program will go smoothly and it will be an opportunity to share the gospel.

2) Because of a split in a church that has given since we first went to Brazil, we have lost $150 in monthly support.  We are so thankful that God has always supplied our needs, but pray that this support would be made up in the near future.

3) As we have been asking you to pray over the past several months, continue to pray that the sale of our house would be finalized in the next few weeks, and that the renters would cooperate and move out. Pray that the government agency would accept all the paperwork, and we could sign everything over soon.

Thanks for praying for us and our ministry in Bauru.
In Christ's exciting service,
Bill and Sue


Copyright 2000, 2001  Marcia L. Dykstra, Dutch Girl Productions
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