Subject: Spoelhof Prayer Prompter - July, 2002
Date: July 2, 2002
Pray on, then, child of God, pray on;Thank you for your prayers.
This is your duty and your task,
To God the answering belongs;
Yours is the simple part - to ask. - ChisholmPraise God with us:
1) The Valentines Day dinner went very well with fourteen couples attending.
2) The Youth retreat was a success with great activities and challenges from God's Word for the lives of the teens that attended.
3) Seeing that the pastors could keep up with discipleship groups, some of our teens have started discipling other teens.Pray with us:
1) For the guys at the Gilgal rehab center, as several have run away and one was taken to prison this past month.
2) For five new families for our church.
3) For strength and endurance for us in the ministry with our colleagues are on furlough.
In Christ's exciting
Bill and Sue
2000, 2001 Marcia L. Dykstra, Dutch Girl Productions
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