February, 2010

    Subject: Spoelhof Prayer Prompter - February, 2010

     Date: February 1, 2010

Sincere intercession is the key to God’s intervention.


Praise God with us:

- For months we have been asking for pray for the government approval of the paperwork closing our old church. On Thursday, January 28, everything was finally approved and paperwork is now in our hands.  

- We are seeing results in peoples’ lives during the eight week preaching series on prayer. The last Sunday in January there was a prayer breakfast with over sixty people attending. One of the most encouraging parts of that breakfast was hearing testimonies of answers to prayer.

- An answer to many prayers was that Emerson accepted Christ as his Savior last week.


Pray with us:

- With summer vacation coming to an end here, new small groups, discipleships and teen group are starting up again, as well as a new members class and deacon training course. There’s a lot of work ahead!

- For God’s clear direction for the committee in the process of looking for land/building for the church.

- Wisdom in counseling a couple with marital problems.
Thank you for your prayers.

In Christ's exciting service,
Bill and Sue


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